African Union will establish African Continental Police under the AIA PLATFORM. The ACP will function as Special Security and Intelligence Operatives drawn from the 54 countries of Africa and cross-posted for continental policing and with partnership across other global security and Intelligence institutions around the world. The recruitment of AIA Continental Police will enable ACP Agent from Egypt be posted to Ghana, Ghana to South Africa, South Africa to Nigeria, Nigeria to Morocco, Morocco to Niger, Niger to Algeria, Algeria to Cameroun, and Cameroun to Togo, Togo to Djibouti, Djibouti to Kenya, Kenya to Senegal, Senegal to DNC, DNC to Libya, Libya to Rwanda, Rwanda to DNC, DNC to Uganda, Uganda to Niger, Niger to Tanzania and so on and so forth. This security and intelligence capacity building is to enable a peaceful world by enhancing and optimizing global security capability. More importantly, the integration through cross-posting will strengthen African Unity, African power, and the readiness to host global investment shifts and industrialization. It will demonstrate true love for African brands and our readiness to receive and value foreign investors and their investments, in addition to promoting security certainty and Secured Tourism. This is the only way to build and grow DEMOCRACY, destroy brain drain, avoid culture and Civilization collapse.
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