
Africa Intelligence Agency is an independent, open-source intelligence (OSINT) organization established to enhance security and development in Africa and to be a voice, a homeland security watchdog for vulnerable African people, animals, birds, maritime resources, and businesses in Africa. AIA will function as intervention platform, a certifying and advisory to ensure transparency, integrity, best practices, and accountability of voluntary development organizations’ (VDOs) and other international institutions and organizations operating in Africa. AIA will work to build capabilities around our ancient presence. AIA will partner and showcase the activities of regional organizations, such as ECOWAS, SADC, EAC, ECCAS, COMESA, AMU, EBID, CFA, ECREEE, ERERA, WAMA, CMA, IGAD, CRESMAO, CSO, GGC, AfDB, GIABA, ICC, MMCC, AU, UNECA, EU etc., for real-time visibility and real-life interaction with African people: communicate and promote African stories and African Brands. AIA will provide intelligence and security analytics to the leadership of these regional organizations regarding the security of African People and African resources and to ensure homeland security for investors, NGOs, tourists, and important friends and lovers of Africa. International terrorism is becoming increasingly linked to international migration – radical militants and migrants can no longer be distinguished. Considering the mushrooming, enmeshing, and nested nature of transnational radical organizations, the AIA will work with regional institutions and countries to reconstruct or develop appropriate strategies to deal with dysfunctional issues associated with immigration-terrorism nexus and associated criminal activities. AIA will establish Africa Continental Police (ACP) with Special Agents drawn from 54 African countries and cross-posted for continental policing. The world is full of difficult and dangerous people – criminals are infiltrating immigration. The rise of radical extremism to the threat of cyber criminals, virus proliferation and pandemic diseases have overwhelmed national and regional capabilities. We cannot be dealing with these issues in the lobby – we have to do away with pseudo-practices, decolonize our minds, pursue security to attract investors. It is absolutely important to reconstruct integrated homeland security programs to ensure widespread public safety hope for African people and all friends of Africa.

AIA will also function as a certifying and supervisory platform to ensure transparency, integrity, best practices, and accountability of voluntary development organizations’ (VDOs) and other international institutions and organizations operating in Africa.

In recent times, African people, Muslims, Christians and other Religions have pursued God more than any people on earth. But the big lesson is that “Anything unprotected can be stolen or destroyed.”

Today, Ebola is killing in Africa – many people are worried that we are not paying attention to what’s going on in their continent, in their homeland. Biological Weapon proliferation are done by people, not angels, supported by countries. When we listen to International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg and the evidence of the atrocities presented to the prosecuting countries (England, France, United States, and Russia), the evil, the greatest brutality were committed by just 11 Nazi men. They disregarded the International Treaties, the Geneva Convention of 1846 to destroy women and children, anybody with no mercy: It was done cold-bloodedly and without pity. In his opening address at Nuremberg trial, the Chief American Prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson stated, “The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated.” The importance of every African understanding the events that led to the Nuremberg Trials cannot be underestimated. In his suicide note, Robert Ley, one of the Nazi leaders asked himself why disaster struck Germany. He answered, “We deserted God, and God deserted us.” In recent times, African people, Muslims, Christians and other Religions have pursued God more than any people on earth. But the big lesson is that “Anything unprotected can be stolen or destroyed.”

The presence of foreign military bases in Djibouti could be a blessing to Africa… Africa should be able to take advantage of these foreign military bases to establish a World-class Defense Industry: it’s all about engagement and partnership.

Africa and Foreign Military Occupation

It is time to keep our ears and eyes open. Many African people are contemplating that Africa is currently going through another phase of colonization, another phase of slavery, and another phase of humiliation. The enemies have wormed their ways to gain the confidence of many of African leaders and their various security and intelligence architectures, including the dossiers of various security and intelligence operatives. Foreign spies are everywhere in some undisclosed locations and countries in Africa. Besides, many countries have establish their military presence in Djibouti, not just because of its proximity to geographical hotbeds of turmoil in Africa like Somalia, and Yemen in the Middle East but also to facilitate access to the rest of Africa. In fact, China has constructed a railway connecting Djibouti to Addis Ababa, “a gigantic Chinese-led infrastructure project that will ultimately be developed towards the Western African coast to facilitate access to the rest of Africa.” Today, many countries, China, France, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia have replicated the United States presence, establishing military bases in Djibouti. It is China’s first military base abroad. History is full of examples of things happening for the first time. The anxiety and uncertainty and the fear of African people are not questionable because the issue of international rivalries is not new, international environment is volatile, full of hostility, grievances and animosities.  There is a common desire by all African people to know why Djibouti has become a center for foreign military bases; why United Kingdom refused to decolonize and withdraw from Mauritius Chagos Archipelago Islands despite UN resolution.

Every African is living with some feeling of surprise that United Kingdom and some European states are planning permanent enslavement of African people. There is widespread understanding that while the United States is discouraging corruption in Africa, Chinese banks are encouraging and securing illicit money laundering by politically exposed persons from Africa. At the same time, Chinese government is approving and granting unlimited loans to many African countries. Is Africa poor? The answer is NO! The first colonization succeeded because some African traditional rulers were engaged in selling out their subjects to colonizers. Here we are in the twenty-first century, some African political leaders are replicating the same process. AIA is also aware that, just in late 2019, in Zimbabwe, young elephants are captured and sent to Chinese and Dubai Zoos for free. AIA is monitoring when babies will be taken from their mothers and export to other countries. The presence of foreign military bases in Djibouti could be a blessing to Africa. It is the responsibility of AIA to work with African institutions to ensure that African people, Foreign Investors, African animals, and African Homeland remain safe and secure. Africa should be able to take advantage of these foreign military bases to establish a World-class Defense Industry: it’s all about engagement and partnership. Interestingly, many European countries, such as France and Germany etc., are investing meaningfully in Africa, the same way the United States and China are doing but there are always bad guys – after all, the first colonization was initiated by individuals before it exploded.  African people are knowledgeable and wise enough to nest and be able to protect the trees in which we nest.

There is a common desire by all African people to know why Djibouti has become a center for foreign military bases; why United Kingdom refused to decolonize and withdraw from Mauritius Chagos Archipelago Islands despite UN resolution… One who has been bitten by a serpent should be alarmed by a lizard.

Perceptions of African People

There is an Indian saying, When you see a new trail, or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.” African people are thinking that negotiation is ongoing for a new partitioning, a new scrambling, and a new colonization. More than once, AIA has discovered secret meetings convened here and there in Africa. Informants with various code names have been identified in many parts of Africa. In fact, children of some African political leaders are recruited by potential foreign invaders as special intelligence operatives. It is time to create Africa-as-we-want-it-to-be in the Twenty-First Century. We have to take charge – we have to build a new continental security and intelligence capabilities. One who has been bitten by a serpent should be alarmed by a lizard. The United States of America is the way it is today because injuries have put American people on guard. As can be recalled, friendly conversation and diplomatic interactions were ongoing between the United States and Japan prior in Japan December 7, 1941 attacks on the Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, USA. In the same year, precisely December 11, 1941, Germany declared war on the United States – The United States ended up fighting two wars at the same time – they were ready, they fought, and they won.

There is an Indian saying, “When you see a new trail, or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing… One who has been bitten by a serpent should be alarmed by a lizard.

United States and United Nations: Anti-Colonialism

It is important to remember a few things about the United Nations and the United States during the anti-colonial struggle because there is a saying that “when good deeds are forgotten, the doers of those good deeds get angry.” It is also true that “one cannot bite the fingers that fed him…” The United States of America introduced and encouraged and supported colonized Africans in the use of the principle of national self-determination to destroy colonization in Africa. The United States became the major Western power that pressed hardest for eliminating colonial empires in Africa and they fought through the emergence of the Cold War. Although terrorism attracted negative connotations and political liabilities, the United States continued to stand by many African states in the use of a more acceptable language, Freedom Fighters, to cover various acts of terrorism used at that time to drive away the colonial masters. The strategy was all about assassination of the eyes and ears of the colonial government – the police officers, systematic killing of the colonial police officers and their families. Despite the guerilla-like, hit-and-run attacks on the colonial officers, the United States and the United Nations legitimized and admitted former and decolonized territories as new states in the United Nations General Assembly. In other words, the UN legitimized the partitioning and subsequently all anti-colonial terrorists sought to interest the UN in their struggles. All of those were facilitated by the United States. But what is the situation now? Those decolonized nations, AIA is aware, are working against the United States of America in the United Nations General Assembly. The international politicking of some of the decolonized African states is dysfunctional – Many African nations have failed to recognize the fact that the United States of America is a power than any other. Besides, there is a common Ghanaian Ashanti adage that says, “Only after you have crossed the river can you ridicule the crocodile.” We are in a world of negative politics and security uncertainty.

…Many African nations have failed to recognize the part played by the United States of America in decolonizing Africa. Besides, there is a common Ghanaian Ashanti adage that says, “Only after you have crossed the river can you ridicule the crocodile.”


Africa Intelligence Agency is encouraging all Africans, all of us to change our mindset. We must have to disconnect from the circle of dependency, the circle of foreign aids, foreign support, foreign VDOs, and inferiority complex in international relations.  In international relations, countries are mutually supportive and sometimes adversarial to each other. African people cannot continue to live recklessly unprotected with a degrading defense in a world where threats are becoming more intense and more complex. Civilization started here in Africa, in Egypt… civilization cannot go backward: civilization must not stand still, civilization must always go forward. We have to consolidate our effort to make our sociopolitical and economic structures capable of dealing with modern issues and challenges. We have to play the role of a champion in in the global stage. Prior to his assassination, U.S. President Mckinley said “Our earnest prayer is that God will graciously vouchsafe prosperity, happiness and peace to all our neighbors, and like blessings to all the peoples and powers of the earth.” No garden is immune to pest but every garden require maintenance to flourish. The happiness of future generations of Africans and all naturalized citizens of Africa will depend upon how effective and how immediate we can fix emerging and potential threats confronting the cradle of humanity. In growing desperation, the world, hundreds of millions of people – men, women and children living inside and outside the continent of Africa are waiting for this to happen, for us to take back not just the feelings of superiority but the leader of a peaceful world. This is the responsibility of Africa Intelligence Agency (AIA) in partnership with all the regional institutions.


For all ugly historic events African people experienced in the past, we must let bygones be bygones. The blessing of Africa is unlimited – from good climate, soil, minerals, stones, water, green vegetations, forest, animals, and above all good weather. We earned all of these from the Creator. Twenty First Century is the manifestation of Africa capabilities, taking advantage of all these natural resources. Africa should not be carried away by several International Treaty traps…peace treaties never lead to peace because while other nations abide by agreements, others remain in their self-interest. We have not been paying attention to our quest for security because our societal priorities were skewed but today, we have come to realize that if we ignore the insecurities of our less privileged people, we are ignoring the insecurities of all Africans. The AIA will explore human factors taking into consideration international intelligence practices, and norms to support the creation of attractive environment full of indiscriminate foreign investments across all nations of Africa. AIA will facilitate and demonstrate that the security of African nations is tied to the security of all African people, all investors, and their businesses.

For all ugly historic events African people experienced in the past, we should let bygones be bygones. The blessing of Africa is unlimited – from good climate, soil, minerals, stones, water, green vegetations, forest, animals, and above all good weather. We earned all of these from the Creator-

          AIA will explore human factors taking into consideration international intelligence policies, practices, and norms to support African Union in the creation of attractive environment full of indiscriminate foreign investments across all nations of Africa.

Africa Continental Police

In recent times, African people, Muslims, Christians and other Religions have pursued God more than any people on earth. But the big lesson is that “Anything left unprotected can be stolen or destroyed.”


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